Behavioural Tools & Assessments

Understanding your own behaviour is the key to developing yourself and understanding others.

We are accredited in using several psychological profiling instruments to help you learn about yourself. These are usually used in conjunction with a training program, so that you can use them to develop your skills.

List of Tools

1. Everything DiSC

Everything DiSC is a personal development assessment that measures an individual's behavioural style. It is designed to help an individual understand his or her behaviour in the workplace, understand the behaviour of others and how to use this knowledge in different work situations.

The Everything DiSC assessment uses adaptive testing technology to provide the highest levels of accuracy, validity and reliability, unlike other DiSC profiles that use a 24 items forced choice questionnaire. What this means is that respondents who answer inconsistently on any of the 8 scales will be asked additional questions to ensure an accurate result.

The Everything DiSC assessment is written for a general audience using neutral language and in fact is written in the first person to the respondent. It is a personal development tool to help individuals improve their relationships and their workplace effectiveness.

Typical benefits people experience as a result of training built around the Everything DiSC assessment are:

  • Increased  self-awareness
  • Stronger relationships
  • More effective communication
  • Improved people skills
  • More effective conflict resolution
  • Increased behavioural adaptability
  • More cohesive teamwork
  • Increased employee engagement; and more

More on DiSC

Everything DiSC Workplace®

The Everything DiSC Workplace profile can be used with everyone in the organisation, regardless of their title or role. Participants understand and appreciate the styles of the people they work with, resulting in more effective and productive working relationships.

Everything DiSC Management

The Everything DiSC Management profile helps managers to understand themselves in a management context, and shares information on how to create more effective relationships through directing and delegating and motivating their employees.

Everything DiSC Work of Leaders®

Everything DiSC Work of Leaders approaches leadership as a one-to- many relationship, as opposed to the one-to- one relationship of management. This profile, using the framework of Vision, Alignment and Execution, focuses on tangible steps directed at leading a group or organisation toward their desired outcomes.

Everything DiSC 363® for Leaders

Everything DiSC 363 for Leaders combines the best of 360-degree feedback with the simplicity and power of DiSC. The profile is designed to provide multi-layered feedback, resulting in the top three strategies the leader needs to focus on to improve their leadership effectiveness.

2. Team Management Systems

Team Management Profile Questionnaire (TMPQ)

Team Management Systems (TMS) worldwide - recognised internationally as the foremost integrated work-based assessment system - offers research-proven assessments that reveal critical dynamics to enable the development of high performance in the workplace.

Understanding work preferences is a critical component in developing individual, team and organisational performance. Team Management Systems' Team Management Profile Questionnaire is a 60-item assessment focused on enhancing understanding of an individual's approaches to work.

Based on responses to the profile questionnaire, the personal Team Management Profile provides constructive, work-based information outlining an individuals' work preferences and the strengths that an individual brings to a team.

  • Work preferences are explored in terms of:
  • How an individual prefers to relate to others
  • How an individual gathers and uses information
  • How an individual makes decisions
  • How an individual organises themselves and others

More on TMPQ

Linking Leader Profile Questionnaire

Extensive interviews with teams and team leaders throughout the world have highlighted the common elements responsible for integrating and coordinating teams into a coherent 'whole'. Team Management Systems identifies these elements as Linking Skills.

The Linking Leader Profile Questionnaire (LLPQ) is ideal for team leaders and addresses all three sets of Linking Skills – People, Task and Leadership linking skills.

Opportunities-Obstacles (QO2™) Profile Questionnaire

The Opportunities-Obstacles Profile is a unique instrument measuring people's inherent approach to risk. It assesses the balance of energy they are likely to put into seeing the opportunities or seeing the obstacles. An Opportunities-Obstacles Quotient (the QO2™) is calculated which enables comparison of team members' risk acceptance levels. The QO2™ and related feedback is calculated from an individual's response to fifty questions. The information provides an effective starting point for discussions regarding personal and team development.

Organizational Values Profile Questionnaire (OVPQ)

Values are concepts or beliefs which people use to guide their behaviour in the workplace. Values will drive our decision-making and cause us to summon up energy to preserve what we believe in. They go beyond specific situations and determine how we view people, behaviour and events. Often major sources of conflict and disillusionment are due to mismatched values. The values that an organisation has are usually an expression of the personal values of the senior management, which have impacted the organisation over time.

The Organizational Values Profile is based upon responses to 32 items, where respondents rate their perceptions of an organisation or part thereof.

Strategic Team  Development Profile Questionnaire (STDPQ)

The Strategic Team Development Profile uses the High-Energy Teams Model (HETM) - an eight-step process - to identify what issues are preventing your team from achieving maximum performance.

Using 360-degree feedback, the Strategic Team Development Profile will give a clear picture of where the team's strengths and weaknesses lie. From there, decisions can be made to determine what intervention is needed to transform the team from mediocre to high-performing.

3. Seligman Attributional Style Questionnaire (SASQ)

The SASQ is a powerful research-based profiling tool, designed by Professor Martin Seligman. Professor Seligman is Fox Leadership Professor of Psychology at the University of Pennsylvania, and the SASQ is one of the most validated assessment instruments of its kind anywhere in the world.

The SASQ determines a person's underlying explanatory style (attitude) with respect to significant events in their life. Over 40 years of thorough research has proven the connection between explanatory (attributional) style and superior performance across a broad range of fields of human endeavour (personal, sport, business), in more than 1000 research studies. Only the SASQ rigorously tests for optimism, the characteristic conclusively proven to be the most important factor in determining results.

It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems for longer



Contact us to find out how our behavioural tools and
assessments can help your leaders and teams.


"Michael packs his Leadership courses with engaging ideas and tips & tricks to help leaders develop and realise their own potential. He works hard to strike the right balance in team activities and his content was peppered with insightful fun video clips which aided the demonstration of key points and insights."

Justine Grieve
Manager, Insurance Programs

"AttitudeWorks' facilitation style, wealth of knowledge and ability to get a group contributing and problem solving within a leadership course was second to none. They constantly challenged my thinking during the course and I felt the impact on my leadership style, and awareness post the course, was instantaneous.

Michael has a genuine interest in the success of those involved which speaks to how invested he is in the development of others...I would recommend any business serious about developing their leaders to look no further than Michael and the team at AttitudeWorks."

Paul Mant
Sales Director at Trade Me

"I cannot recommend Michael highly enough. His Leadership Development course is the best Leadership Course I have attended. Michael is an excellent course leader and extremely knowledgeable. The DiSC profile is certainly key to becoming a good leader, and Michael's delivery of these concepts is second to none."

Stuart Oakey
Leader & Operations Supervisor at Contact Energy Ltd

"We selected AttitudeWorks, and in particular Michael, to deliver leadership training to our 50 plus people leaders in the organisations. I was highly impressed with the four day, plus follow up day, leadership course Michael delivered and in fact rated it the best leadership course I have attended in my 25 year career. His delivery was superb and he achieved an excellent balance between teaching, group discussion, case study and group break out work. All my direct reports also noted the quality of the course and everyone had some great takeaways that they are putting into practice. I have no hesitation in recommending Michael to other organisations looking for high quality leadership training."

Nigel Jeffries
Head of Trade Me Property

"Michael Rooke has that WOW factor that so many facilitators lack. We consider ourselves to be very lucky to have secured his services and I can assure you that other companies would feel the same way. I would bump him up to the top of the facilitator list if I were you because if one facilitator can secure your repeat business, it is Michael Rooke."

Milo-Arne Peady
Macquarie Bank

"I knew our audience expected a lot. Michael met their expectations, then exceeded them. He spoke on emotional intelligence, and our audience lapped it up. They loved it. Michael made the presentation very interactive and entertaining. People laughed a lot, yet were highly engaged. He clearly practices what he preaches - he’s a very friendly, authentic human being, and a pleasure to work with. I unreservedly recommend Michael as a speaker and trainer on emotional intelligence."

Paul Jones
Last Thursday Club (networking for Sydney's creatives)